DBL-X | B&W Motion Picture Film

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Double X - 35mm Black and White Motion Picture Film


  • Film Type: Double X 5222 Black and White Motion Picture Film

  • Format: 35mm, hand-rolled into recycled cartridges

  • Exposure: 1 Roll / 36 Exposures

  • ISO: 250 (Daylight) | 200 (Tungsten)

  • Processing: Standard B&W Chemistry (Recommended developer D96 or D76)

Product Overview: Double X 5222 motion picture film is celebrated for its incredible latitude and tonality. This fine-grained black and white film stock handles push processing exceptionally well, allowing you to shoot it at box speed or push it up to ISO 1600 for varied results. Its versatility and classic aesthetic make it a favorite among photographers.

Important Details:

  • Manual ISO Setting: These rolls do not have a DX code, so you'll need to manually set the ISO on your camera for proper light metering, or use a handheld light meter.

  • Processing Notes: While Double X can be developed in most standard black and white chemistry, we recommend using D96, D76, or TMAX Developer for the best results. Each developer will yield slightly different results, with D76 at a 1:1 ratio delivering exceptional tonality and latitude.

For more information, please read the additional details below.

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Double X - 35mm Black and White Motion Picture Film


  • Film Type: Double X 5222 Black and White Motion Picture Film

  • Format: 35mm, hand-rolled into recycled cartridges

  • Exposure: 1 Roll / 36 Exposures

  • ISO: 250 (Daylight) | 200 (Tungsten)

  • Processing: Standard B&W Chemistry (Recommended developer D96 or D76)

Product Overview: Double X 5222 motion picture film is celebrated for its incredible latitude and tonality. This fine-grained black and white film stock handles push processing exceptionally well, allowing you to shoot it at box speed or push it up to ISO 1600 for varied results. Its versatility and classic aesthetic make it a favorite among photographers.

Important Details:

  • Manual ISO Setting: These rolls do not have a DX code, so you'll need to manually set the ISO on your camera for proper light metering, or use a handheld light meter.

  • Processing Notes: While Double X can be developed in most standard black and white chemistry, we recommend using D96, D76, or TMAX Developer for the best results. Each developer will yield slightly different results, with D76 at a 1:1 ratio delivering exceptional tonality and latitude.

For more information, please read the additional details below.

Double X - 35mm Black and White Motion Picture Film


  • Film Type: Double X 5222 Black and White Motion Picture Film

  • Format: 35mm, hand-rolled into recycled cartridges

  • Exposure: 1 Roll / 36 Exposures

  • ISO: 250 (Daylight) | 200 (Tungsten)

  • Processing: Standard B&W Chemistry (Recommended developer D96 or D76)

Product Overview: Double X 5222 motion picture film is celebrated for its incredible latitude and tonality. This fine-grained black and white film stock handles push processing exceptionally well, allowing you to shoot it at box speed or push it up to ISO 1600 for varied results. Its versatility and classic aesthetic make it a favorite among photographers.

Important Details:

  • Manual ISO Setting: These rolls do not have a DX code, so you'll need to manually set the ISO on your camera for proper light metering, or use a handheld light meter.

  • Processing Notes: While Double X can be developed in most standard black and white chemistry, we recommend using D96, D76, or TMAX Developer for the best results. Each developer will yield slightly different results, with D76 at a 1:1 ratio delivering exceptional tonality and latitude.

For more information, please read the additional details below.

Additional Information:

Disclaimer: All film stock is bulk-loaded from fresh Kodak Double-X 5222 35mm motion picture rolls and has been properly stored. We personally shoot on this film and have consistently had excellent results!

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